Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Jean Dubuffet

As the Primary 5-1 ad 5-2 pupils were doing a 'Marker Renderng' project, I decided to introduced to them the artist Jean Dubuffet as an example. Although, he did not use markers as a medium for his art works, I thought the colours and designs from his artwork (self portrait) was somewhat similiar to a marker rendered piece. Having introduced 'Popplet' to the class previously, I tasked them to find out more about him online and to create a mindmap using the ICT tool.

The pupils were divided into groups and given time to extract information, pictures and videos online. Apart from just finding information, they too had to write down their personal opinion of his works and whether they liked it or not.

Primary 5-1

Using 'Google', the pupils searched and found information that was relevant to the questions that were asked. Phrasing it in their own words, they typed out their responses in 'Popplet'.
Click on the link below to see the children in action!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

With reference to the video above, the children initially thought that the word 'medium' was used to represent colours. Hece this was a good opportunity to correct that misconception and to task the pupils to find out what medium in art meant. 

The final product! Well done kids!

Click on the link to see 'Popplet' in action!
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Primary 5-2

In their groups, the children had to first type out their thoughts and opinions about Jean Dubuffet's Self Portrait in 'Popplet'. It was reinforced that there were no right nor wrong answers, however they had to be mindful of giving the artist and his works the repect deserved.

Click on the link below to see the kids in action!
Video 1:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Video 2:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

After presenting to the class about what they thought of the artist and his artwrk, they proceeded on to doing their version of a self-portrait, infusing Dubuffet's style into it.

The Process (Art Making)
1) Create an outline of the portrait using black markers
2) Fill in the space using contour lines and colours (limited to 2 colours, black and white).
(contour lines are not just straight lines, but they can also be curve, angle and broken lines too.)
Click on the link below to see the children in action!
Video 1:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Video 2:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Finished Products!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Vista's Sea of People

Based on Antony Gormley's 'Fields for the British Isles' art installation, the children made their own version of their little clay people with terracotta clay using the Coiling Method. Thereafter, their works were displayed during the Vista Awards Day Art Exhibition. Indeed it was a glorious sight to see the children beaming with pride as they explained the concept and  entire art making process to their famiy and friends!

Monday, 13 August 2012

Artist Appreciation: Gustav Klimt, Tree of Life

The pupils were introduced to world- renowned artist Gustav Klimt and his art pieces. As introduction, pupils had a peek into his life and the jounrney he embarked on as an artist.

Animal Collage

Using newspaper, the pupils were challenged to create an animal of their choice on A3 cartridge paper.
To make their very own coloured paper, they used poster paint to paint either warm or cool colours on the newspaper. After which, they then drew the outline of an animal of their choice on an A3 cartridge paper. Using the painted newspaper, they then proceeded on to tearing it into bits and pieces and thereafter pasting it within the outline of their animal. Using water colour, they filled in colours for the background.

Upon completion, pupils were selected to share with the class their art making process and what were the difficulties they faced and how they overcame it. :)

Using the 'Magic L', the children create the human body doing a dance of their choice. Some chose dances ranging from Hip Hop, Ballet, Martial Arts to even a Spanish Dance. Medium used was oil pastel and water colour.


 After creating their masterpieces, the children did a little 'Show and Tell' explaining the type of dance they chose. Some enthusiastic little ones even 'showed off' a few of their dance moves! :)

My Neighbourhood!

The pupils were asked to observed their neighbourhood and the things that went on throughout the day. Using oil pastel and water colour, they then expressed their interpretation of what their neighbourhood is like through their eyes.